Saturday, January 19, 2019

Star Trek Discovery, season 2 episode 1 mini review

For the record I do consider myself a ‘Star Trek’ fan and have been so most of my life. However that being said I’ve never been a blindly loyal fan either. If Star Trek did or was doing something I didn’t like I would criticize and abandon ship so to speak as a fan. For example I am not a fan of Star Trek V, also known as ‘Shatners Flop’. I quit watching Star Trek: Voyager half way through season 3. I did go back and watch some Voyager again in season 4 and 5 but then dropped it due to bad writing and bad creative decisions they were making. I stopped watching Star Trek: Enterprise during season 3’s ‘Xindi War’ because the continuity ramifications were just mind boggling for me, I did however return in season 4. And now with Star Trek: Discovery I have gone on record as saying it is not my cup of tea during season one. 

Finally finished episode one of season two of Star Trek Discovery. Anston Mount, Doug Jones and Mary Wiseman were fantastic as always. Other than that it kinda was a boring episode in my view and the action was very Star Wars-ish. The ‘this technology isn’t working so we have to do this’ and ‘that technology isn’t working so we have to do that’ trope is eye rolling. 

With special effects technology being as good and affordable as it is today the writers tend to write lazily as compared to twenty+ years ago. Instead of focusing on high stakes tech scenes I would prefer more grounded character drama, especially when they have such a good actor like Anston Mount now a cast member. 

But I keep telling myself as long as people are watching and enjoying it that’s a good thing. And as long as I also think of this series as being out of what I think of as “Star Trek continuity” I am able to enjoy it more. Because let’s face it these writers are not writing for continuity...

Keeping my fingers crossed for the Captain Picard series. 

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