Friday, August 31, 2018

Pop Culture Hindsight Blog #1: Star Trek The JJ Abrams Films

To set the record straight I must admit I am not a fan of the JJ Abrams 'Star Trek' films. Aside from Zachary Quinto and Karl Urban playing 'Spock' and 'McCoy' I was not too impressed. Initially I was; I think it was because of the lack of Trek there had been for so many years. From 2005-2009 there was no Trek series or movies and I has hungry for new adventures. After watching the first 2009 film I was happy to see Trek back; but then as time went on I became less and less thrilled with what Abrams and company was doing with the franchise.

Here's some things I had problems with and what I would have done differently:

- Khan blood: Cure for the common death???
So when I was watching 'Into Darkness' for the first (and last) time I was blown away with their decision to kill off Captain Kirk (SPOILERS). I remember thing "Wow. What a brave choice. I can't wait to see where they take the films from here!". Not to worry because after several minutes Captain Kirk was saved from death by a transfusion of Khans blood. Yep they brought a man back from the dead by simply injecting his dead body with genetically engineered blood. I'm sorry but this is way to far fetched for science fiction. If Khans blood can bring people back from the dead why didn't they use it on Admiral Marcus? Or why do they not mass replicate his magic blood so no one ever dies ever again? This was such a brain dead plot twist that should never have been allowed to take place. Either kill Kirk or don't just don't insult our intelligence.

- Recasting new actors to play iconic roles
They got it right with Quinto and Urban but other than that the casting sucked. Chris Pine was a passable Kirk but lacked the charm and charisma of William Shatner. The guy who played Sulu...George Takei is Japanese and this new guy is Korean. Chekov isn't even the right age to be at the academy with the others. Uhura was never so horny and having her with Spock just seemed wrong to me. I love Simon Pegg but he's no James Doohan. Benedict Cumberbatch is an amazing actor but all his talents went to waste when it was revealed he was playing Khan. You simply cannot recast Ricardo Montalban. It would have been so much better if Cumberbatch played an all-new villain that he can make his own with his amazing acting talents but instead it was all wasted on a character who clearly was not Khan to a die hard fan like myself.

- Lens Flare....not needed. Stop it JJ, just stop it!

- The look of the Enterprise
It looked like they filmed the interior of the Enterprise in a Apple Store. Also since when did the Enterprise have all these huge tanks/vats in Engineering? Is this a starship or a brewery? In fact they filmed those scenes at an actual brewery.


I have more nitpicking to do on these movies but that will have to wait for another day...

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