Monday, August 27, 2018


So I've been away for the summer, busy with work and holidays and now I'm back to do some blogging. so here goes:

Ant Man & The Wasp
I watched this Marvel film shortly after its release and I liked it. It definitely had some big shoes to fill with 'Avengers Infinity War' being as incredible s it was back in May. Paul Rudd is great in any film he's in and he was the perfect choice to play Scott Lang (Ant Man) and he was just as great in this film. After all the heavy stuff in 'Infinity War' it was nice to have a more light hearted film as this one takes place prior to 'War'.

3.5 out of 5

As I mentioned in a previous blog post I attended a Star Trek convention in Canada's Star Trek Capital: Vulcan Alberta.

This will be the 6th time I have attended this convention. The reason I make this pilgrimage every year is because of the town, the people who live there and attend the con, and the organizers. I'm not a big fan of line ups or large crowds of people so this convention is a perfect fit for me.

This year was a little different. New organizers, a lot of my friends who attend did not this year and the guest list was not very stellar. In years past I have met The Doctor from Voyager, Neelix, Odo, Kira, Jake Sisko, Gowron, Kurn (Worfs brother), Rick Sternbach (TNG/DS9/Voyager technical consultant), Chakotay, Ensign Kim, Lieutenant Reed, Leeta...and the list goes on. But this year they had some C-Listers, no one to get excited about. And I suspect that may be the reason for the low attendance this year. Also the vendors market was missing quite a few vendors compared to other years.

Next year I'm sure it will be better. My good friend Tyler will be back for next year and he always makes conventions more lively.

I am an Elvis Presley fan. I've always loved his music but I will be the first to admit I am not the biggest fan. I have never watched any of his movies and was shocked to learn he made 31 films!!! But I do love his music and for the past 10 years there has been something called 'The Blue Suede Music Festival' being held in Busby Alberta, which as luck would have it is about a 35 minute drive from my place.

Busby attracts a lot of Elvis 'Tribute Artists' every year. Saturday night they had a live band called the 'Cadillac Kings' to play with the artists. Unfortunately the BC wild fire smoke, hornets and rain did put a damper on the day but it was still a load of fun and I will be attending in years to come.

Check out my pics on the Blue Suede Festival on my Twitter and Instagram @chrisloc1701


Still on the fence about getting back into podcasting...will keep you informed.

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