Lord Chris Lockhart: Son/Dad/Grandpa/Husband. Canadian, Métis & Scottish Lord. Lifelong Star Trek fan. Also fan of Comic Books, Sci-Fi & Fantasy. Non-denominational Buddhist/Christian, Alberta NDP member. Enjoys reading, writing and most things pop culture. Fan of the NHL's Edmonton Oilers, MLB's Toronto Blue-Jays & Chicago Cubs. Hopes to one day own a Mustang Shelby Cobra: in the meantime he has an extensive Hot Wheels Mustang collection.
Friday, December 21, 2018
**Side Notes**
- This year marks the first time in 7 years I have not done a podcast episode of 'The Chris Lockhart Christmas Special'. Kinda makes me sad as it became an annual tradition I loved to do. But when you retire from podcasting you can only do what others will allow you to do on their shows. I've done one guest appearance on episode 6 of 'The Cave of Cool' podcast since 'retiring'. Be sure to give that a listen as it was a fun discussion on Stan Lee.
- 2019 I will be staying retired from podcasting except for the occasional guest appearance that might come my way. I plan on focusing on my writing and I am currently working on a book of short stories and essays so stay tuned!
- And I do intend to keep doing this blog, with posts at least twice or more a month.
Here's hoping 2019 will be a better year than 2018!
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Not my cup of tea
As a Star Trek fan I have
been asked a lot lately if I like the new TV series: Star Trek Discovery. And being
an honest person I answer honestly: Not really. Now there are definitely some
things I do like about it such as the characters of Commander Saru and Cadet
Tilley, but other than that I just am not a fan of this series. It seems some
are under the mistaken impression that as a ‘Star Trek Fan’ you must like all
things Star Trek. This is simply not true. You can like a franchise but doesn’t
mean you must like everything in that franchise. For example you can like Coca
Cola and not like New Coke (80’s kids will get that reference) or you can like
Pepsi but not like Crystal Pepsi (90’s reference). When people ask me to go
into detail why I don’t like the new series I have some main points I share:
When the
producers pitched this series they said it would tie into established
continuity and not change things. This simply did not happen. For example the
Klingon look, language and culture seemed to be completely different than in
previous continuity. If they had just said “This is a reboot of the franchise”
I’d have been alright with that. Reboot it and do what you like, but when you
go out of your way to say nothing will be changed then it is…I have a problem
with that.
previous Trek series were about the crew and being a team/family. Granted in
the original 60’s series it originally was all about Kirk, and then as the
popularity of Spock and McCoy grew it became more about the three of them. But
the supporting cast all contributed in some way to give the viewer a sense of comradery,
but this new series is about Michael Burnham, Saru, Tilley, Engineer guy…there’s
no real sense of team/family here. Most
of the bridge crew has so far remained nameless
flares, Admirals hiding in shadows as they speak, focus on ship redesigns and special
effects…this new show has the look and feel of the JJ Abrams ‘Star Trek’ films
(2009-2016) and not the previous Star Trek TV series.
I could go on but I’ve
said my peace. I’m not saying YOU will not like this show, YOU just might. This
could be the Trek series you have been waiting for. But for me it’s just not my
cup of tea. I’ll watch season 2 (coming in January 2019) and I am holding out
hope that the new Captain Picard series will be good (coming out in late 2019)
This & That
I really am a bit of a 'grumpy old man' as I get older. You say or do something stupid I'll tell you.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Facebook Stuffing
The following are some posts I've posted to Facebook with some commentary:
This really is my third favorite film of the year. Infinity War is number one, Black Panther is number two then Bohemian Rhapsody at three. So in actuality it is my favorite non-comic book movie of 2018!
____________________________________________________________________________Then I got this response...
Monday, November 12, 2018
Stan Lee: Rest in Peace
Today the world lost comic book legend Stan 'The Man' Lee. He was 95 years old. He created and co-created some of the most iconic comic book characters since the 1940's including: Spiderman, The X-Men, The Avengers, The Fantastic Four, Silver Surfer, Black Panther, Ant Man, Iron Man, The Hulk...and many more. He was also famous for writing 'Captain America' prior and during World War II (Captain America was created by Jack Kirby and Joe Simon).
Aside from writing and creating for comic books he was a veteran of World War II. He also has made cameos in every MCU film and many other cameos in other Marvel films (that were not created by MCU). He appeared as himself in the Kevin Smith film 'Mall Rats' and in an episode of 'The Simpsons'. He also did a lot of voice work in the Marvel cartoons over the years.
On a personal note I have always considered him one of my heroes because I have always wanted to be a comic book writer and creator. I had a chance to meet him in 2012 at the Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo. I got a pic taken with him and my son Bailey. When we were done the photo and the ushers were moving us along to make way for other fans getting their pictures taken with him I quickly turned to him and said "Thanks for everything Stan". He didn't reply as we were being ushered out of the photo area but I am forever grateful I was able to tell him that.
Rest in Peace Stan.
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Remember to Remember
Today we remember the veterans who fought and at times died for our freedom; the freedom that we all take for granted. So today wear a poppy, take some time to reflect on their sacrifices and if possible attend a Remembrance Day service.
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Rethinking our Thinking: Bullying in the Science Fiction Community
Unfortunately the way I see it the utopian/socialist future that is depicted within the Star Trek franchise will never come to pass. It's simply human nature to want to be better than your neighbor, to be superior to others in some way shape or form. And because of that nature I honestly believe we will never achieve Gene Roddenberry's vision he had for a better future for humanity. Now don't get me wrong I would love to live in that type of future: where someone is not limited by their financial situation, ethnicity, or any of the other numerous things that hold people back now a days. But I just can't see human nature changing as dramatically as it is portrayed in Star Trek. There is always going to be bullies that live among us, people whose instinct it is to push others down to make themselves superior.
As science fiction fans we tend to have a reputation for being nice people, but unfortunately that is misleading as there are many bullies in the science fiction community. Recently I've had to deal with one of these people, someone whom I thought was a nice person was actually a wolf wearing sheep's clothes.
Now I've never been one to shy away from my opinion, especially nowadays with the invention of social media, and it being so readily available for anyone to share their opinions on, I choose to do that. I also write a blog which I update several times a month, where I give reviews and insights into the things that I am reading, watching or doing, but my opinions are just that: MY opinions. Also for years I used to offer my opinions and insights on the various Podcasts that I was a part of. But as a general rule I don't impose my opinions on anyone, and I try my best to respect other people's opinions (unless they are completely out to lunch for example if they involve racism). But sometimes it does get hard being a science fiction fan and just being a person when you're dealing with bullies. Bullies that demand that their opinions mean more than yours; one area where you see this a lot is in sports.
“My team is better than yours” Is a phrase that is often tossed around between sports fan rivals. People are passionate about the teams and players for which they cheer for so much so that this rivalry that exists between fans of opposing teams sometimes escalates into violence. An obvious example that comes to mind is the soccer (football) riots that sometimes occur around the world. But what comes to my mind recently with myself is a debate I had with a gentleman who is a Calgary fan. You see I'm in Edmonton fan: Edmonton Oilers (hockey) and Edmonton Eskimos (Canadian Football). For as long as I can remember being an Edmonton fan has always been an important part of my life. Growing up I remember watching the Oilers win their five Stanley Cups, and I watched the Eskimos win several Grey Cups. But if you're a Calgary fan I can see it being hard to dispute an Edmonton fan considering Calgary has so many fewer cups than their Edmonton rivals (Edmonton Stanley Cups: 5. Calgary: 1. Edmonton Grey Cups: 14. Calgary 7). When I pointed out Edmontons superior statistics to this “gentleman” Calgary fan his response was vulgarity. Instead of coming up with an intelligent argument or retort his response was to simply call me names and get ignorant. He told me that he hated people from Edmonton and their fans, and he also told me to “eat a bag of dicks”. I tried my hardest to debate him on an intellectual level but that was beyond him and he resorted to bullying in order to defend his team and his “honour” as he saw it. I have since removed him as a Facebook “friend”. Ironically I also was attacked on social media by this same person for my views on Star Trek Discovery.
I ‘friended’ this Individual because he has been a moderator at a science fiction convention that I frequent. He seemed like a nice person when I met him, but once he began commenting on some of my Facebook posts I became aware of his negativity and his bullying tendencies. I did a review of ‘Star Trek Discovery’ on my blog which I posted to my social media accounts. Put simply I am not a fan of the new Star Trek series. When this series was originally proposed the creators promised fans that the show would be in continuity, and be respectful to the history of Star Trek that came before it. But right out of the gate, right with episode one it was clear that the creators were rewriting history to suit their own purposes. Ignoring years of continuity the creators of the new show did what they wanted to do. Which I'm fine with had they said that from the beginning. If they had told us that they were rebooting the show, retooling it the way that they saw fit in order to tell the stories that they wanted to tell I would've been fine with that, I wouldn't have been happy but I would be fine with it. But the fact that they went out of their way to assure Star Trek fans that they were not going to change continuity and then they did change continuity: I had a problem with that. Obvious examples being: Spock’s human sister, the look and behaviour of the Klingons, the look of warp drive, etc...are all things that were changed within Star Trek continuity for this new series. So when I shared my views on social media this gentleman immediately blasted me for my opinion. But as I said this guy is a moderator at conventions and I know he has met several stars of the new Star Trek series. So to say that he has a vested interest in singing the praises of the new Star Trek series would be a fair statement I think. So instead of respecting my opinion on the show and accepting it for what it is, MY OPINION, he took to blast me for my opinion on social media, again at time using vulgarity to get his point across. I was made to look and feel like an idiot because I didn't share his positive view on the new Star Trek.
The way I see things if you like the new Star Trek series that's fine. I identify as a lifelong fan of the franchise but even prior to the new series I did have some issues with some of the other series that took place. I had issues with Star Trek Enterprise, and I had issues with Star Trek Voyager. I even had some issues with the first couple seasons of Star Trek The Next Generation, so although I do consider myself a “Star Trek fan” I don't like everything that has ever been produced by the franchise. But for some reason when it comes to this new Star Trek series it seems that the people that don't like it are ridiculed and shit on by the fans of the new series. Actually it's not some reason, I think I know the reason why this happens. It's because this is the first Star Trek series to take place AFTER social media has become so prominent in our lives. So the fact of the matter is these bullies that are showing themselves within social media have probably always been there all along, they just never had a forum from which to spread their hate like they have now.
There is a 'Babylon 5' group I am a member of on Facebook. It was a science fiction television series that was on the airwaves from 1993-1998. It was a great series and way ahead of its time; so when I found this group on Facebook that loved that series as much as I did I was initially excited. Then as time went on (and Trump became President) this group became a forum for the Republican party of the United States. Some of these fans of Babylon 5 are now using this forum to preach Trump ideals and hatred, most posts nowadays have absolutely nothing to do with the B5 television series. And when others speak out against the right wing views expressed by these people they are bullied. I have since ignored this group but stay attached to it because there are some good people on there that I do like to hear from.
When attending a comic con in 2014 I was surprised to see a sign posted in various areas of the venue:
So these signs were posted because it seems some within the science fiction fandom thought it was alright to touch others inappropriatly because of the costumes they were wearing. To me its just common sense that if a woman is dressed as 'Slave Leia' doesn't mean I have the right to grab her ass or tits. Again this is common sense...or so I thought. But these signs had to be created in order to inform those individuals that their behaviour will not be tolerated. I wonder how many of these people are also among the bullies I speak of?
It just makes me sad to see fandom represented this way. For years science-fiction fans were seen as friendly and tolerant towards one another. They seemed to be respectful of each other's opinions but now it seems we're no different than sports fans or any other group where bullying, inappropriate behaviour and intolerance is allowed to grow and flourish.
Sad days indeed.
As science fiction fans we tend to have a reputation for being nice people, but unfortunately that is misleading as there are many bullies in the science fiction community. Recently I've had to deal with one of these people, someone whom I thought was a nice person was actually a wolf wearing sheep's clothes.
Now I've never been one to shy away from my opinion, especially nowadays with the invention of social media, and it being so readily available for anyone to share their opinions on, I choose to do that. I also write a blog which I update several times a month, where I give reviews and insights into the things that I am reading, watching or doing, but my opinions are just that: MY opinions. Also for years I used to offer my opinions and insights on the various Podcasts that I was a part of. But as a general rule I don't impose my opinions on anyone, and I try my best to respect other people's opinions (unless they are completely out to lunch for example if they involve racism). But sometimes it does get hard being a science fiction fan and just being a person when you're dealing with bullies. Bullies that demand that their opinions mean more than yours; one area where you see this a lot is in sports.
“My team is better than yours” Is a phrase that is often tossed around between sports fan rivals. People are passionate about the teams and players for which they cheer for so much so that this rivalry that exists between fans of opposing teams sometimes escalates into violence. An obvious example that comes to mind is the soccer (football) riots that sometimes occur around the world. But what comes to my mind recently with myself is a debate I had with a gentleman who is a Calgary fan. You see I'm in Edmonton fan: Edmonton Oilers (hockey) and Edmonton Eskimos (Canadian Football). For as long as I can remember being an Edmonton fan has always been an important part of my life. Growing up I remember watching the Oilers win their five Stanley Cups, and I watched the Eskimos win several Grey Cups. But if you're a Calgary fan I can see it being hard to dispute an Edmonton fan considering Calgary has so many fewer cups than their Edmonton rivals (Edmonton Stanley Cups: 5. Calgary: 1. Edmonton Grey Cups: 14. Calgary 7). When I pointed out Edmontons superior statistics to this “gentleman” Calgary fan his response was vulgarity. Instead of coming up with an intelligent argument or retort his response was to simply call me names and get ignorant. He told me that he hated people from Edmonton and their fans, and he also told me to “eat a bag of dicks”. I tried my hardest to debate him on an intellectual level but that was beyond him and he resorted to bullying in order to defend his team and his “honour” as he saw it. I have since removed him as a Facebook “friend”. Ironically I also was attacked on social media by this same person for my views on Star Trek Discovery.
I ‘friended’ this Individual because he has been a moderator at a science fiction convention that I frequent. He seemed like a nice person when I met him, but once he began commenting on some of my Facebook posts I became aware of his negativity and his bullying tendencies. I did a review of ‘Star Trek Discovery’ on my blog which I posted to my social media accounts. Put simply I am not a fan of the new Star Trek series. When this series was originally proposed the creators promised fans that the show would be in continuity, and be respectful to the history of Star Trek that came before it. But right out of the gate, right with episode one it was clear that the creators were rewriting history to suit their own purposes. Ignoring years of continuity the creators of the new show did what they wanted to do. Which I'm fine with had they said that from the beginning. If they had told us that they were rebooting the show, retooling it the way that they saw fit in order to tell the stories that they wanted to tell I would've been fine with that, I wouldn't have been happy but I would be fine with it. But the fact that they went out of their way to assure Star Trek fans that they were not going to change continuity and then they did change continuity: I had a problem with that. Obvious examples being: Spock’s human sister, the look and behaviour of the Klingons, the look of warp drive, etc...are all things that were changed within Star Trek continuity for this new series. So when I shared my views on social media this gentleman immediately blasted me for my opinion. But as I said this guy is a moderator at conventions and I know he has met several stars of the new Star Trek series. So to say that he has a vested interest in singing the praises of the new Star Trek series would be a fair statement I think. So instead of respecting my opinion on the show and accepting it for what it is, MY OPINION, he took to blast me for my opinion on social media, again at time using vulgarity to get his point across. I was made to look and feel like an idiot because I didn't share his positive view on the new Star Trek.
The way I see things if you like the new Star Trek series that's fine. I identify as a lifelong fan of the franchise but even prior to the new series I did have some issues with some of the other series that took place. I had issues with Star Trek Enterprise, and I had issues with Star Trek Voyager. I even had some issues with the first couple seasons of Star Trek The Next Generation, so although I do consider myself a “Star Trek fan” I don't like everything that has ever been produced by the franchise. But for some reason when it comes to this new Star Trek series it seems that the people that don't like it are ridiculed and shit on by the fans of the new series. Actually it's not some reason, I think I know the reason why this happens. It's because this is the first Star Trek series to take place AFTER social media has become so prominent in our lives. So the fact of the matter is these bullies that are showing themselves within social media have probably always been there all along, they just never had a forum from which to spread their hate like they have now.
There is a 'Babylon 5' group I am a member of on Facebook. It was a science fiction television series that was on the airwaves from 1993-1998. It was a great series and way ahead of its time; so when I found this group on Facebook that loved that series as much as I did I was initially excited. Then as time went on (and Trump became President) this group became a forum for the Republican party of the United States. Some of these fans of Babylon 5 are now using this forum to preach Trump ideals and hatred, most posts nowadays have absolutely nothing to do with the B5 television series. And when others speak out against the right wing views expressed by these people they are bullied. I have since ignored this group but stay attached to it because there are some good people on there that I do like to hear from.
When attending a comic con in 2014 I was surprised to see a sign posted in various areas of the venue:
So these signs were posted because it seems some within the science fiction fandom thought it was alright to touch others inappropriatly because of the costumes they were wearing. To me its just common sense that if a woman is dressed as 'Slave Leia' doesn't mean I have the right to grab her ass or tits. Again this is common sense...or so I thought. But these signs had to be created in order to inform those individuals that their behaviour will not be tolerated. I wonder how many of these people are also among the bullies I speak of?
It just makes me sad to see fandom represented this way. For years science-fiction fans were seen as friendly and tolerant towards one another. They seemed to be respectful of each other's opinions but now it seems we're no different than sports fans or any other group where bullying, inappropriate behaviour and intolerance is allowed to grow and flourish.
Sad days indeed.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Comic Book Television: Too much of a good thing?
It wasn’t that
long ago when the only comic book-like characters on TV could be found in shows
like ‘Heroes’ and ‘The Cape’. Now we have a smorgasbord of comic book TV shows
and for most people there is so much content it is impossible to view it all
(unless your unemployed I guess). There is so much that I have had to pick and
choose what to watch and what not to watch. Here’s a quick breakdown:
Season 2
for both Luke Cage and Iron Fist was an improvement from their first seasons
but sadly the improvements were not enough and both shows were cancelled. Mike
Colter as ‘Luke Cage’ is brilliant in the role; I would even go so far as to
say he was born to play the character. I really hope they use him in future
Marvel TV or film projects. Iron Fist on the other hand just never really hit
for me. Their portrayal of Danny Rand just fell flat. He is supposed to be a
kung fu master yet season one there were very few fights. And the fights that
did occur were really laughable. Season 2 was a slight improvement but not
much. It is my hope they will combine both these characters in a ‘Heroes for
Hire’ TV series, which is what they should have done to begin with.
Season 3 of
Daredevil was great in my opinion. The story, the fights, the cast, everything
was just right for this season. Season one was great too, season two was not as
good but they did introduce the Punisher and Elektra into the mix.
Season 2 of
Jessica Jones was definitely not as good as season one. Season 2 lacked a compelling
villain. David Tenant as ‘Killgrave’ hit it out of the park, and he is in my
opinion THE BEST villain in all the MCU (movies included).
I stopped
watching these shows a few years ago despite having good actors and good
stories. The formula they all follow is what ruined them for me: Arrow, Flash,
Legends, Supergirl all have the same format: title character surrounded by a ‘team’
which help them solve problems and save the day. As time goes on the ‘team’
members themselves gain powers, abilities and take center stage from time to
time. This is easily forgiven in ‘Legends’ since they are in fact a team show,
the rest it just gets too be too much following all these less interesting
characters around. Plus the 22+ episode seasons do not help!! Sorry Stephen
Amell, you are a great guy and it was a thrill to meet you but I can’t commit
to a 22+ television season with so many other shows trying for my attention.
I watched ‘Legion’
season one and was intrigued, especially with Aubrey Plaza. She is fantastic in
this show. But season 2 lost me right away and I haven’t gone back to watch.
I have not
checked out any of the other shows I’ve heard of: Titans, The Gifted, Cloak
& Dagger, Gotham, etc. I am looking forward to a ‘Doom Patrol’ show because
I have been a fan of the comic since I was a kid. I think that launches early next
And finally
DC: Make a Batman TV series already! Not a young Alfred show or young Gordon
show or Batwoman show, I want a honest to goodness serious (not Adam West)
Batman series! Call up HBO, they do awesome TV like ‘Game of Thrones’ and ‘Westworld’,
I’m sure they’d love to tackle a Batman series!
Nuff Said.
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Friday, October 5, 2018
My Enemy
I've been debating whether to blog about this and I have finally decided to set the record straight. This post will go a few places so bear with me.
Recently I have been watching a lot of YouTube videos about author Harlan Ellison, who passed away this year. He was a controversial guy who had a lot of enemies out there which made me conclude I really don't have any enemies. There were a few guys in high school and after that I got in conflict with but nothing too serious and nothing lasting. Then I received a call from my Mom Wednesday morning to tell me that an acquaintance made a very ignorant comment on my Facebook post from August 28th where I mentioned it was Crystal and I's anniversary. It was a confusing and rude comment and I have since deleted it and blocked this person from my Facebook, all FOUR different Facebook accounts he has. This "acquaintance" is the ex-common law husband of a friend of Crystals. This guy is a real piece of garbage and I will not name him here as to avoid any legal trouble, but here are some facts about he who shall not be named: He began dating Crystal's friend when she was 14 years old and he was 29-30 years old. He's always been a pot head for as long as we have known him but the last few years he has moved on to meth and probably some other "hard" drugs I suspect. A few years ago he dumped his common-law wife (Crystal's friend) to be with another woman. When that relationship only lasted a week he expected to take up with his ex as if nothing happened. She told him no and over the course of several years she has been the victim of stalking, threats and death threats of which he was actually jailed for.
Anyway a couple years back he was on one of his Facebook accounts and making false claims that his ex wife's current boyfriend was a pedophile, ironic considering he was at one time a 30 year old man dating a 14 year old but I digress. My son went on FB and defended the man he was speaking against as we know these accusations to be untrue, which he later removed from his FB when questioned by the police about making false accusations. Anyway my son then became a target of this asshole: he got into a public war of words with my son on FB. He even went so far as to leave a message on my wife's phone where he told her to "shut up your fucking kid if you know what's good for you", unfortunately this message was deleted otherwise I would have shared it with the cops. He even began to follow my son, who had just turned 16 and had a car of his own, around town in his truck. Did I mention this guy got fired from his job due to not passing a drug test; yep he sure did. Anyway one of these times he actually pursued my sons car at higher that normal town speeds. This scared my son and all of us so I took my son down to the cop shop to give a statement. Sadly all the cops could do was talk to the asshole as their FB exchange had been deleted by him and my son had no proof he had been in a car chase with him. Ironically the cop told him to next time if he was chasing him and/or stalking him in his truck for my son to record it with his cell phone.
So here we were: this piece of shit had threatened and scared my son and the cops could do nothing about it. The next evening I went to the pub with some friends and had a few too many to drink. Now as I walked home in my drunkin stupor I decided I was going to have a talk with this asshole as he lived at the time only a few blocks from my house. I asked him to come out and face me and I told him if he was man enough to terrorize a 16 year old boy he could be man enough to face me, he refused. But I seemed to have scared him as he left my boy alone after that and he has not left any messages on my wife's phone. Now over 2 years later he left an ignorant comment on my FB post. As I said I have since blocked all FOUR Facebook accounts he has.
This man is 53 years old, he has done jail time for making death threats, he is a drug addict and he lives in my community. He is my enemy and if he threatens my family again I will do everything in my power to see he goes back to jail.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Time for a change
I'm getting older. I'm currently 38 years old, soon to be 39, and I am over weight with a family history of both weight and heart problems. 2 years ago I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and recently my blood sugar levels have been high, probably due to my sweet tooth and lack of monitoring.
Earlier this year one of my pop culture icons, writer/director/podcaster Kevin Smith suffered and survived a widow maker heart attack. He had already been taking steps to lose weight but his doctor told him he had to lose more after the heart attack. Now he is literally half the man he used to be and he is a spokesperson for Weight Watchers, along with other celebrities like Oprah Winfrey.
My Dad was 39 when he had his first heart attack, his Dad was 27. My Uncle Gord (my fathers brother) passed away at the age of 44 due to heart attack. My Grandpa was 51 when he died. It's time to get my shit together. I'm probably about 80 pounds overweight and I need to change that. I have, like my pop culture icon Kevin Smith, joined Weight Watchers and am on a diet. There's definitely been an adjustment as I am finding out how much my sweet tooth adds into my weight and it has and will be hard giving up some things; but it is for a greater good. I want to live. So going forward hopefully I will be less of what I am now, weight wise that is. My initial goal is to get down to 250 pounds, which may be a lot for most but I am 6 foot and big built (think football player shoulders/build) so to go down to 250 is a good starting goal for me. I do want to lose more but that will come once I've achieved my initial goal.
Wish me luck!
Earlier this year one of my pop culture icons, writer/director/podcaster Kevin Smith suffered and survived a widow maker heart attack. He had already been taking steps to lose weight but his doctor told him he had to lose more after the heart attack. Now he is literally half the man he used to be and he is a spokesperson for Weight Watchers, along with other celebrities like Oprah Winfrey.
My Dad was 39 when he had his first heart attack, his Dad was 27. My Uncle Gord (my fathers brother) passed away at the age of 44 due to heart attack. My Grandpa was 51 when he died. It's time to get my shit together. I'm probably about 80 pounds overweight and I need to change that. I have, like my pop culture icon Kevin Smith, joined Weight Watchers and am on a diet. There's definitely been an adjustment as I am finding out how much my sweet tooth adds into my weight and it has and will be hard giving up some things; but it is for a greater good. I want to live. So going forward hopefully I will be less of what I am now, weight wise that is. My initial goal is to get down to 250 pounds, which may be a lot for most but I am 6 foot and big built (think football player shoulders/build) so to go down to 250 is a good starting goal for me. I do want to lose more but that will come once I've achieved my initial goal.
Wish me luck!
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
The Comic Book Pile:Summer 2012
This is an unpublished blog post from 2012. Not sure why I never posted it, it was interesting to see how much has changed in 6 years. I've inserted some updated comments.
- Chris Sept 25th 2018
2012: (2018)
I am currently blogging while on my vacation in Fairview, Alberta. The family and I are visiting my Grandparents-in-law. (Sadly we did not make our annual trip to Fairview in 2018)
We are having a blast as always. But onto the blogging:
This is an unpublished blog post from 2012. Not sure why I never posted it, it was interesting to see how much has changed in 6 years. I've inserted some updated comments.
- Chris Sept 25th 2018
2012: (2018)
I am currently blogging while on my vacation in Fairview, Alberta. The family and I are visiting my Grandparents-in-law. (Sadly we did not make our annual trip to Fairview in 2018)
We are having a blast as always. But onto the blogging:
As you no doubt know I am a huge comic book fan. I order most of my comics on line from a company out of Quebec called 'Comic Pull' (I no longer order comics through Comic Pull. I get my comic books digitally from comixology and I order trades from Amazon) . I also have a 'pull list' at the 'Comic King' comic book store in West Edmonton Mall (Which has now been closed for probably 2-3 years. The last owner was a bone head and not a comic book fan and had no clue how to stay in business. I really did not like him and I am glad to see his business fail, although I am sad to see no comic book store in the mall. I have a lot of fond memories of WEM Comic King as it was my first comic book store).
I read a lot of comics in a month so I've decided to do a quarterly update segment where I tell you what I feel is the best of what I read (I never kept up with that nor do I want to do that now...lol). Some titles will not change from month to month because my favourite titles are pretty solid, but I'll try and include something different. If your thinking about picking up some comic books to try I hope this segment will help. in my opinion this truly is a great time to be reading comics.
I read a lot of comics in a month so I've decided to do a quarterly update segment where I tell you what I feel is the best of what I read (I never kept up with that nor do I want to do that now...lol). Some titles will not change from month to month because my favourite titles are pretty solid, but I'll try and include something different. If your thinking about picking up some comic books to try I hope this segment will help. in my opinion this truly is a great time to be reading comics.
Top 10 Comic Books (In my opinion)
1- Batman (DC). Best written and drawn book out there!! (Still good with Tom King currently writing it)
2- Invincible (Image). Created and written by Robert Kirkman (creator of 'The Walking Dead' comic and TV show) (Sadly this book ended earlier this year but still worth checking out)
3- Daredevil (Marvel). Written by the great Mark Waid. This book is a lot of fun. (Waid no longer writing and I stopped reading it)
4- Fantastic Four (Marvel Comics). Jonathan Hickman is a great writer and this is a fun thinking man's comic book. (Hickman no longer writing and it just relaunched with Dan Slott writing after a 3 year hiatus of the title. So far it is good)
5- Earth Two (DC) Still a new title but this is a great read by James Robinson (Starman) (No longer being made)
6- FF (Marvel) This is the sister book to the Fantastic Four and is written by Hickman. Fun book. (No longer being made)
7- Saga (Image) Written by Brian K. Vaughan this is a cool sci-fi comic book. Romeo & Juliet-ish it is. (No longer reading. got very boring)
8- Justice League (DC) Written by Geoff Johns, art by the legend Jim Lee. The back up 'Shazam' story is great too. (No longer reading. Johns no longer writing)
9- Aquaman (DC) Written by Geoff Johns. This really is a fun book to read and yes it is Aquaman. (No longer reading. Johns no longer writing)
10- Flash (DC) I was a fan of the Flash but with the relaunch of the 'New 52' this book got really good. (No longer reading. Got boring and redundant in my opinion)
Mentions: Swamp Thing (DC)(No longer reading) , Secret (Image) (No longer being made), Action Comics (DC), Hulk (Marvel)(No longer reading) , Batman Incorporated (DC)(No longer being made) .
Trade I'm reading: Starman Omnibus 1, paperback from DC comics. Reprinting this series from the 90's written by James Robinson (Earth Two). this is a fun book to read. the art is not the best but it suits the story I think.
See you in the fall for more of 'The Comic Book Pile'!! (No you won't)
(But more blogging goodness next week as always!)
(But more blogging goodness next week as always!)
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Netflix Reviews: ‘Lost in Space’
‘Lost in Space’:
I was never a big fan of the original series. I remember watching it as a teenager on the Sci-Fi Channel (now known as ‘SyFy’) and it was just too goofy for me. I grew up on ‘Star Trek’ the original series on CBC and only got exposed to Lost in Space when my family got satellite tv...too little too late. It was cool to see a child Bill Mummy, whom i knew as ‘Lennier’ on Babylon 5, on the show. Also I couldn’t help but wonder if I was related to June Lockhart...
The less said about the 1998 Lost in Space film the better...
Now we have this new series. I’ve heard a lot of good things about it from friends and coworkers but I was hesitant to try it but I did and it was ...ok. The actors are good, especially the kid actors because it is tough casting good kid actors but they did a great job. The series looks great but I have a feeling their creativity was limited by the budget. Instead of the Jupiter 2 being lost and traveling through space it’s marooned on one planet. Instead of the space family Robinson encountering different aliens we get one episode of giant alien bats. The robot is not a member of the crew, it’s an alien artificial intelligence which may or may not be evil. And Doctor Smith has gone from being a bumbling sabatoer to a psychotic woman who steals the real Doctor Smiths id (whom was played by the original Wil Robinson: Lennier himself ‘Bill Mummy’).
This series was ok but suffers from a lot of lazy writing (seriously I’m blind and need tears to see...lazy) which as I said earlier may be the result of budget constraints. And to be honest i was not a fan of Parker Posey as ‘Doctor Smith’, but the rest of the cast was good.
I’ll check out season 2 and they ended the season with a good set up. And this show is better than Star Trek: Discovery!
2.5 stars out of 5.
Saturday, September 15, 2018
So recently I shared my story of battling insomnia. And as I had said I had bouts of insomnia from time to time over the years but never like this time. I believe this insomnia was being cause by both a change in my medications and stress. I literally would sleep for an hour or so and be wide awake for the next fourteen hours, fall asleep for an hour or so and repeat. I don't care who you are: no one can live like that for days at a time and function properly let alone be effective and productive in a work place setting. I missed 3 days of work due to this, in those days I managed to get in to see my doctor (which was not easy because he is very busy), I managed to get a prescription for sleeping meds, use them and get back into a functional routine so I could return to work in a safe manner.
Well when I got back it seemed I was being punished for having missed the last three days. Agreements made between me and a co-worker for some reason became null and void due to my absence, even though my absence in no way affected my co-worker or would have changed our work arrangement in any way. Obviously I cannot go into specifics but suffice to say my co-worker took advantage of my situation to get one up on me; talk about kicking someone when they are down. Also a person above me helped to change the arrangement I had with my co-worker even though neither of us directly work for him; he chose to stick his nose in our business because he seemed to not be happy with my absences for some reason even though they in no way affected him.
Long story short I was going through a bad time and people took advantage of that and kicked me when I was down (metaphorically not literally). It has helped me understand what people go through with mental illness and all the stigma that goes with it. Insomnia is obviously not a mental illness (although mental illness can cause insomnia that is not the case here) I was judged for not going to work due to insomnia. I heard whispers and saw some eye rolls when I returned to work (Suck it up, quit being lazy, go to bed earlier, etc. were no doubt being floated around behind my back). In my experience I find this treatment is the same for people who suffer from mental illness. "Poor you, suck it up already, I've been through worse, etc." are often muttered behind the backs of people with mental illness. I like to think I'm better than that because my Mom worked in the mental health field and she taught me a lot but the truth is before I learned about mental illness I too judged others who suffered from it. I just didn't understand the affects of mental illness. Just like I didn't understand what true insomnia felt like or how it can affect the mind and body until I had it.
My final thought on the matter:
Unless you have suffered from something, whether it be insomnia or mental illness, don't judge someone who is suffering from it. You cannot truly understand what they are going through.
Be patient and be kind to one another and don't take advantage or kick people when they are down.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Is there something wrong with me?
So my life has been a little upside down the last few months. A lot of stressful stuff going on but just when things seem to be turning around more shit happens and I deal with it. But as a result the last few weeks I’ve been having troubles sleeping. Over the years from time to time I’ve had bouts of insomnia but I just can’t seem to shake this one. Honestly the last time I had insomnia was so long ago I cannot remember exactly. I’m normally a very good sleeper; my head hits the pillow and I’m out within a minute or two.I went to emergency Tuesday night in the hopes of speaking to a doctor about my insomnia and maybe get some suggestions and I got nothing. The nurse on duty looked at me like I was crazy when I told her why I was there. Then I briefly talked to the doctor whom was sitting there and she basically told me to make an appointment with my own doctor. To say the least I was not impressed. The emergency department was not busy and from what I could see they only had one patient; for some reason they just didn’t want to deal with me and told me I should go and book an appointment the next day. This is the first time I’ve been treated like that at the Barrhead hospital. I’ve got an appointment to see my doctor Wednesday.
Well after visiting the doctor he prescribed some meds for me to take and I took them and last night I had the best sleep in weeks. Hopefully I’ll be getting my sleep schedule back on track
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Has ‘Shameless’ jumped the shark?
The term ‘Jump the shark’ comes from the later seasons of the sitcom ‘Happy Days’ when the Fonz literally put on some water skis and jumped a shark. It was then they said Happy Days has gone too far and ended soon after. Well when ‘Shameless’ made Ian Gallagher a gay Jesus they jumped their proverbial shark.
Thursday, September 6, 2018
TNG Season 8?
A person should not dwell on the past but sometimes you cannot help but do so. TNG ended with season 7, and in my opinion it ended on a very sad note. There were only a handful of episodes from that season that I actually liked, and they are:
- "Parallels" Ep 11 (Worf finds himself randomly shifting between alternate realities) This was a fun episode and I like the idea of alternate realities. Neat to see a possible romance between Worf and Troi.
- "The Pegasus" Ep 12 (Commander Riker's former Captain boards the Enterprise to retrieve the USS Pegasus. Features Terry O'Quinn as Admiral Eric Pressman). This episode was the best of the season. O'Quinn was excellent in his role. Great to see Frakes shine as Riker. Final episode with the Romulans as the big bad, wish they had had Andreas Katsulas as 'Tomalok' on this episode, but it wasn't meant to be.
- "Homeward" Ep 13 (Worf's human foster brother violates the Prime Directive to save a doomed primitive race). I like Paul Sorvino and it was great to see him as Worfs brother. This was a good episode but far from great.
- "Journey's End" Ep 20 (Wesley considers his future, as the Enterprise is ordered to remove Native American colonists from a planet that is about to fall under Cardassian jurisdiction. Appearance of Eric Menyuk as The Traveler). I always like the character of Wesley and it was great to see Wil Wheaton back for his final appearance.
- "Bloodlines" Ep 22 (DaiMon Bok returns to exact revenge on Picard, by trying to kill the son Picard never knew he had. Guest star Lee Arenberg as DaiMon Bok, but not the same actor who originated the role, Frank Corsentino). This actually was a poor episode, I only included it because it was neat to see the Bok story return from the first season. But it sucked that Bok was played by another actor, even with all the make-up you could tell it was not the same person.
5 episodes out of 26 or so done that season...not good. I'm thinking maybe with some of the creative staff going off to do DS9 and some left to prep 'Voyager' is what hurt TNG in that 7th season. The series finale too was very bad and not a fitting end to the series.
Not many good episodes that final season. Which is why they needed another season. Apparently Paramount signed a deal with its stars for an 8th season. Patrick Stewart (Picard) and Brent Spiner (Data) reluctantly agreed to an 8th season but no more. Paramount was apparently even considering bringing in other actors to replace Picard and Data for a 9th season. Ronny Cox who had played "Captain Edward Jellico" who took command of the Enterprise for 2 episodes would replace Picard and Elizabeth Dennehy as "Commander Shelby" would replace Data. It would have been interesting and an 8th season should have happened because the 7th season sucked, ending the show on a sour note because of it. Unfortunately it was business that destroyed the proposed 8th season.
Paramount was set to launch their UPN television network and they wanted Star Trek to be its primary show, this new network was set to launch in January 1995. Problem was Paramount was already producing Star Trek: TNG and Deep Space Nine for syndication and couldn't put one of them on their network because of all the syndication deals they had in place. So the decision was made to end TNG at the end of season 7 and create a new Star Trek series for the UPN network. TNG ended in May 1994 with a lousy final season and final episode and a new Star Trek series was created and launched in January 1995: Star Trek Voyager.
I'm sure if the Paramount executives could have foreseen the end of UPN in 2006 and the poor ratings and reviews for "Voyager" they would have stayed with TNG for at least one more season...
Paramount was set to launch their UPN television network and they wanted Star Trek to be its primary show, this new network was set to launch in January 1995. Problem was Paramount was already producing Star Trek: TNG and Deep Space Nine for syndication and couldn't put one of them on their network because of all the syndication deals they had in place. So the decision was made to end TNG at the end of season 7 and create a new Star Trek series for the UPN network. TNG ended in May 1994 with a lousy final season and final episode and a new Star Trek series was created and launched in January 1995: Star Trek Voyager.
I'm sure if the Paramount executives could have foreseen the end of UPN in 2006 and the poor ratings and reviews for "Voyager" they would have stayed with TNG for at least one more season...
Thanks for reading. See you next time.
Live Long And Prosper.
When 'Star Trek' re-invents itself...
Back in 1989 we Star Trek fans were introduced to a new ultimate villain in the Trek Universe, they were called 'The Borg'. They are a race hive mind which assimilates other races and technologies whether they like it or not. They threaten to end our individuality and turn us all into mindless drones as part of their overall collective. Its a scary thought to lose ones own individuality which makes the Borg perhaps the scariest of all the Trek alien races.
But in this post I am discussing how from time to time Star Trek likes to take what works and change it anyway with most times terrible results. Long before JJ Abrams and the creators of 'Star Trek Discovery' reinvented the Klingons the Borg were reinvented. And like the new Klingons they took something that worked and made it worse:
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Klingon design 1979-2005 |
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Klingons 2018 |
Now the Borg looked good in their initial use from 1989-1995. They were emotionless yet they had a underrated scariness about them :
Now with the film 'Star Trek: First Contact' the Borg were reinvented to be angry zombie like villains. They seemed to be something more out of a horror film than a science fiction one:
And I also found this chart online which apparently explains the differences in the Borg:
Put simply there was nothing wrong with the Borg. They did not need to be re-invented but were for some reason that escapes me. And it continues today with the new Star Trek movies and series. I'm a firm believer that if something is not broken do not try to fix it. I really do not want to see anymore aliens reimagined in future Trek installments. Star Trek is starting to not feel like Star Trek anymore
Star Trek,
Star Trek Voyager,
Star Trek: TNG
Barrhead, AB, Canada
Meeting the real Kurt Cobain
As a kid I never really listened to Nirvana until I was 16 and it was years after the suicide of lead singer Kurt Cobain. I knew of them of course and I was a huge fan of the Weird Al Yankovic song ‘Smells like Nirvana’, but when it actually came to listening to their music I never did at first.
Then Cobain committed suicide and threre was a ripple effect felt around the world. You see not long after his death there was a young teen boy (who was probably my age or a year or two older) who committed suicide by shooting him self in Edmonton. I don’t remember the details exactly but I do remember Nirvana being blamed. The kid left his CD player on repeat playing Nirvana when his body was discovered. They said he was imitating Cobain, they said Nirvanas depressing lyrics made him depressed, and no other children should listen to Cobain... and my parents bought into the anti-Nirvana propaganda.
I’m sorry that those parents who lost their son to suicide but to blame Nirvana is ridiculous. It’s like when Fredrick Wortham blamed comic books for juvenile delinquency in the 1950’s...kids will be delinquent with or without comic books. Like wise kids have committed suicide long before Nirvana ever showed up on the Pop charts. But it’s always easier to blame someone else than it is to accept the fact your kid wasn’t perfect and had mental health issues.
So it was a few years later when I was 16 when my cousin Tyler introduced me to Nirvana and 22 years later I am still a fan. In fact when I bought my vinyl record player last year the first record I bought was the best of Nirvana
So I recently watched the documentary ‘Cobain Montage of Heck’. It was really well done and definitely delves into the minds eye of Kurt Cobain. Yes he was an addict but there was more to it than that. My dad always said to me “Never judge a person unless you’ve walked a mile in their shoes”. Cobain was a troubled person with real problems and like a lot of people turned to drugs as a form of self medicating. Sadly he couldn’t beat his demons but he did leave behind a legacy of great music that will be enjoyed for generations to come. He did for alternative music what Elvis Presley did for rock and roll. It’s hard to believe he was only 27 years old when he passed. I truly hope he found peace in death that he couldn’t find in life.
If your a Nirvana fan you’ll like the documentary.
See you next time
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