Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Netflix Reviews: ‘Lost in Space’

‘Lost in Space’:

I was never a big fan of the original series. I remember watching it as a teenager on the Sci-Fi Channel (now known as ‘SyFy’) and it was just too goofy for me. I grew up on ‘Star Trek’ the original series on CBC and only got exposed to Lost in Space when my family got satellite tv...too little too late. It was cool to see a child Bill Mummy, whom i knew as ‘Lennier’ on Babylon 5, on the show. Also I couldn’t help but wonder if I was related to June Lockhart...

The less said about the 1998 Lost in Space film the better...

Now we have this new series. I’ve heard a lot of good things about it from friends and coworkers but I was hesitant to try it but I did and it was ...ok. The actors are good, especially the kid actors because it is tough casting good kid actors but they did a great job. The series looks great but I have a feeling their creativity was limited by the budget. Instead of the Jupiter 2 being lost and traveling through space it’s marooned on one planet. Instead of the space family Robinson encountering different aliens we get one episode of giant alien bats. The robot is not a member of the crew, it’s an alien artificial intelligence which may or may not be evil. And Doctor Smith has gone from being a bumbling sabatoer to a psychotic woman who steals the real Doctor Smiths id (whom was played by the original Wil Robinson: Lennier himself ‘Bill Mummy’). 

This series was ok but suffers from a lot of lazy writing (seriously I’m blind and need tears to see...lazy) which as I said earlier may be the result of budget constraints. And to be honest i was not a fan of Parker Posey as ‘Doctor Smith’, but the rest of the cast was good. 

I’ll check out season 2 and they ended the season with a good set up. And this show is better than Star Trek: Discovery! 

2.5 stars out of 5. 

1 comment:

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

We never agree. I LOVED Parker Posey. So evil. So unredeemable.