Sunday, January 3, 2021

Meaning behind the picture:

I’ve lost all faith in the Alberta Conservative Government (UCP), so going forward the NDP will get my vote. They seem to care for the people and I think they deserve another chance to govern. 

I will not dedicate my life to one religion over another, but there are elements of Christianity I like and believe in. I do pray from time to time. 

I am an aspiring Buddhist and I believe in karma and reincarnation, but I struggle at meditation. 

The ideals of Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets from the original/Gene Roddenberry ‘Star Trek’ universe is something I hope to see humanity achieve one day. 

I like the design of Thor’s hammer. 

And lastly Captain America is in my mind the best role model to come out of comic books and the MCU. He is a member of the greatest generation and it was that generation that fought for the rights and freedoms we all take for granted. 

Anyway that’s the explanation behind this picture. Have a great day! 

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