Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Entitlement at it’s finest

As leaders they need to lead by example. So if they are asking us to stay home and avoid non essential travel they as leaders need to do the same. 

Also because of the pandemic and the decisions made by the UCP a lot of people are struggling right now. People are having a hard time financially while our elected officials have not missed one paycheque. Maybe non essential travel isn’t the best idea when the people who are responsible for your paycheque are suffering, aka “the taxpayers”.

Some of them have been punished by Jason Kenney via a Facebook post, but he needs to face the public and acknowledge his mistakes. He had to have known they were travelling, despite the fact he claims ignorance. I’m so sick of the UCP; they are simply PC 2.0. 

The provincial NDP will be getting my vote next election. It’s a crazy time to be an Albertan and Canadian: I’ll be voting NDP in the next Provincial election and the Conservatives will be getting my Federal vote. Why? Two parties on the opposite side of the spectrum; but they are our best options as Albertans in my opinion. 

Anyway that’s all I’ve got. Ttyl 

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