Thursday, February 20, 2020

Star Trek: Disaster season 3 promo pic

Season 3 of Star Trek: Discovery is coming soon. From the look of things it seems like the creators of this series are ripping off another intellectual property: Andromeda. It was a Canadian made space sci-fi series in the early 2000’s which was created using a premise by Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry. If they wanted to adapt Andromeda to the Star Trek universe that would be ok but why do this in the 3rd season of an already established show. Obviously these guys had no plan from the start and are doing their “best” to make it up as they go. 

Remember when Star Trek was fun and had a positive message about the future...I sure do miss THAT Star Trek! 

More Random Astronomy:


Also our slightly new and improved logo for The Pop Culture Pub Podcast:

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