Wednesday, January 20, 2021

2021: Hang In There!

It’s been a tough year to be sure. New Year’s Eve 2019 going into 2020 everything seemed so hopeful. I remember making resolutions to travel more, spend more time outdoors, I remember promising myself that 2020 was going to be a great year…what a fool I was and I didn’t/couldn’t know it. Because of some virus that was birthed in a country that tried to hide it our entire world has been turned upside down. Friends and family lost jobs and lost so much because of something beyond our control. For the most part I worked through the pandemic; I had to take a week off here and there due to illness. I did have to take more time off in the summer due to health issues in regards to my brain. But I am all better now and doing alright considering we are still in a global pandemic. My job unfortunately was not immune to 2020; I have lost some income now as a result of political events beyond my control in 2020. I keep telling myself I am lucky to even have a job but that line doesn’t make things easier. But I am blessed: I have income, even if decreased. I have my health, and most importantly I have my friends and family. 

Hang in there friends: things will get better again.

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