Thursday, July 23, 2020

Star Trek strikes out again!

I’m so done with the Kurtzman era of Star Trek drivel and the trailer for ‘Star Trek Lower Decks’ just confirms that sentiment. Instead of doing something great and meaningful like they did with Star Wars The Clone Wars or Star Wars Rebels, the Kurtzman bunch decide to go ‘Rick & Morty’ for Lower Decks. Now don’t get me wrong I love Rick and Morty but I want my Star Trek to feel like Star Trek. Like what they did with the 70’s animated series where they actually utilized many of the original series stars to voice the show. Lower Decks is yet another brainless/soulless effort from Kurtzman and company whom really don’t understand what makes Star Trek good. 

Now I know their defenders will say Trek fans always hate new Trek; that’s simply not true with me. I was a TNG,DS9,Voyager and Enterprise fan when those series premiered and I held out hope for ‘Picard’...but bad Star Trek is simply bad and that’s what we’re getting now. It’s why the fandom is divided because if it really was good the fans would support it. Look at Avengers: Endgame for example; it’s universally praised and loved by almost all of the MCU fans because it is GOOD! If it was bad it would have divided the fans.

I’m hoping someone with Star Trek sense will sooner rather than later be appointed to run the franchise. Wake up CBS: Kurtzman needs to go!

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