Saturday, April 18, 2020

Social Media Shenanigans

Some days it feels like your arguing with a wall...

I made a New Years resolution this year not to engage against people on social media, especially when their arguments are illogical or just plain stupid. But today again I got into a argument with someone on a FB Star Trek group. Here is his brilliant plan to make good Star Trek and my response to his drivel. I edited out his name for this blog post. 

The initial post from some random guy, who is also a Star Trek fan...:

And my first response:

And it continues:

Final thoughts:

I understand this guys anger with the mediocre Star Trek that CBS is currently producing. But seriously someone making their Trek without CBS approval and attempting to make a profit from it is akin to drug trafficking. It is literally an illegal activity, and you better believe CBS would most definitely use private investigators and their lawyer team to prosecute anyone using their intellectual property. 

This is a goofy post and I guess I’m a goof by indulging this other goof. But I guess I did get a blog post out of it...

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