Monday, August 26, 2019

Social media bull crap

I really need to get away from Social Media groups. Today I posted this on my own Facebook wall and boy did I get a lot of negative comments. 

Also today I went to my local walking track. A little over 3 km into my walk the track staff told me I had to leave. I asked why because it was only 4pm and the track was open until 7:30pm. Apparently someone called in sick and they had no one to stay past 4. Then I posted this picture on my towns local Facebook group with an explanation so others wouldn’t show up after me and find locked doors. And AGAIN did I ever get blasted on that FB group. 

I really wasn’t trying to be a dick, I just wanted to make everyone aware so no one would waste their time coming down to a closed walking track. Some lady even went on a rant about me not being a trophy or something.... I’m assuming she must have been high since weed is now legal in Canada. 

Anyway once again I’ve posted something that people twist into something they can be offended by. Lesson learned from today: I need to read more books and use social media less. To many toxic people out there for my liking. 

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