Friday, February 1, 2019

Michael B Jordan as ‘Superman’?

So I saw an article on Facebook that Warner Brothers/DC are thinking of casting actor Michael B Jordan as their new ‘Superman’. I don’t know why they want to part ways with Henry Cavill, his portrayal of Supes was great. The reasons for Superman’s recent flops don’t lie with Cavill but rather the material he was forced to work with. DC comics did do a Barrack Obama inspired Superman on another Earth so maybe he’ll be playing that version...

But some fans argue that this a lame stunt. I agree but problem is established character names sells tickets. And even stunt casting creates buzz which translates to more butts in seats which means more $$$. Sometimes big business steps on what we fans want.

Honestly the more I think of it ‘Superman’ is one of the few characters I don’t mind being changed, in terms of race. In 1938 had Jerry Seigel and Joe Shuster tried to sell him as a black character he never would have been published. It’s just the way things were back then. So if they want to change it up I’m ok with it. But I do understand why people would want it to stay the same as well. 

 I think DC is looking at all the accolades that ‘Black Panther’ has received and they are wondering how to compete with Marvel. So they think to cast a part of Black Panthers success (Michael B Jordon) as their new ‘Superman’... (sadly in a lot of ways DC is a step behind their rivals...)

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