Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Tastes change with time...

When I was a kid I used to love smoked oysters. So much so that oysters were at times used as a reward for being a "good boy". Many times when visiting Grandma and Grandpa LaBerge I would pester them for some smoked oysters, and if I was good I would get them. Most kids would rather be rewarded with candies or chocolate (which I also liked) but given a choice I would pick a can of smoked oysters.

Ironic considering I cannot stand sea food. The only sea food I would ever eat was battered  fish and smoked oysters. Then one day in my later teen years I decided to open a can of oysters to eat; and when I opened it the oysters were mold green and the smell took my breath away. Ever since then I have been unable to open another can of oysters. In fact when others eat them near me I can't help but gag a little.

The other day I decided to try some oysters again and reignite my love for 'the chicken of the sea' (I know that typically applies to Tuna but I apply it to oysters). Ten minutes ago I opened a can, drained the fluid, applied salt and got my toothpick ready and I ate one...and just one. The smell and the texture got to me and I promptly disposed of the oysters.

They say tastes change with age. As a kid I hated Caesar salad but now I love it, and as a kid I loved oysters and now I cannot stand them. It's all part of the aging process I suppose...

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