Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Rest in Peace Stephen Hawking

I just saw on FB that Stephen Hawking has just passed away. No details as of yet but he did suffer from a form of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) for most of his adult life. My first exposure to him from growing up in a small town in central Alberta was his guest appearance on the season six finale of Star Trek The Next Generation. After that I learned more about him and became an admirer of his work in theoretical physics.  I’ve watched both the film ‘The Theory of Everything’ with Eddie Redmayne playing him and the TV movie ‘Hawking’ with Benedict Cumberbatch playing him. I liked the TV film more but both are great to watch and definitely give you a perspective on the man other than what we have seen in the media.

Rest in peace Professor Hawking.

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